Filtered by tag, "storage tanks"

  • Image - "Timber structures behaved remarkably well"

    "Timber structures behaved remarkably well"

    Tuesday, 21 August 2012Category: earthquake codes for water storage tanks timber water tanks

    The December 2011 NZ Society of Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE) Bulletin covering technical papers written about the effects of the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake, includes a report on the performance of engineered timber structures, including timber water tanks.*

  • Filtered by tag, "storage tanks"

  • Image - New Timbertank for Fonterra Edendale plant

    New Timbertank for Fonterra Edendale plant

    Tuesday, 17 November 2009Category: water storage tank large water tanks storage tanks

    Timbertank Enterprises Ltd has just completed its fifth water storage tank at Fonterra's Southland plant at Edendale. Nothing unusual in that, except for the enhanced safety features using timber as opposed to steel, for access to the tank roof.

  • Filtered by tag, "storage tanks"

  • Image - The future of farming?

    The future of farming?

    Tuesday, 18 November 2008Category: Bio-Digester Farm Water storage tanks

    The ability to bio-digest cow manure has opened up a significant rethink of the income streams available to dairy and beef farmers. The Bio Gen Cool, a bio-digester developed by Natural Systems with partners Waste Solutions, turns cow manure into methane gas and then uses that power to chill milk. However, with a little lateral thinking, the gas can also be used to generate an income for farmers.

